Here's an interesting tidbit that I just came across: Pipe Bomb Locks Down Ariz. Nuclear Plant1. It appears that a contract worker driving through a security checkpoint had a crude pipe bomb in the back of his pickup. And he's not a suspect or under arrest in the case -- apparently, officials investigating have reason to believe that he had no knowledge of its presence. A search of his home revealed nothing to indicate that he himself had fashioned the device. That leaves us with a couple of questions, of course, and we're not the only ones scratching our heads:
As authorities tried to understand why a contract worker would bring a pipe bomb to the nation's largest nuclear power plant, one thing was immediately clear: The security worked.
Guards stopped Roger William Hurd, 61, at the entrance to the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station when they spotted the bomb. He was detained about a half mile from the containment domes where the nuclear material is stored. Officials pulled his security clearances and placed the facility on lockdown.