Good morning, folks. This diary is the first one posted by ePluribus Media under this specific account name since June of 2008, so we're going to provide both a re-introduction to our organization as well as some nifty tips and tricks regarding formatting images and text on DK4. If you're simply looking for "how to" information, we'll give you a good handle and you can add your own in comments. If you're also curious about citizen journalism, the role of bloggers and online investigative reporting, we'll hopefully pique your interest there as well.
Are you ready?
Make the jump, take the plunge and hang on to your spleen (or whatever you currently use as a substitute organ).
Today's ePM diary is written and posted by GreyHawk on behalf of ePluribus Media. Any errors, bad jokes or errata are his. And if you happen to find any feathers floating about, ignore them - he's randomly molting to create a new set of quills.